First of all.. the timezone. While the most common timezones in the Europe are CEST, EEST & GMT, London mostly represents with UTC, BST & GMT.
This article will be expressed in GMT timezone so it's important for you to know which time it is at your place for the given time in GMT timezone. GMT was established in 1884 at the International Meridian Conference, when it was decided to place the Prime Meridian at Greenwich, England.
How to calculate timezones? Simple, check the text below.
BST | British Summer Time | UTC + 1 hour | |
CEST | Central European Summer Time | UTC + 2 hours | |
CET | Central European Time | UTC + 1 hour | |
EEST | Eastern European Summer Time | UTC + 3 hours | |
EET | Eastern European Time | UTC + 2 hours | |
GMT | Greenwich Mean Time | UTC | |
IST | Irish Standard Time | UTC + 1 hour | |
KUYT | Kuybyshev Time | UTC + 4 hours | |
MSD | Moscow Daylight Time | UTC + 4 hours | |
MSK | Moscow Standard Time | UTC + 4 hours | |
SAMT | Samara Time | UTC + 4 hours | |
WEST | Western European Summer Time | UTC + 1 hour |
Ok now lets get onto interesting things! You will have to pick one of the Airports. But regardless which one you choose, you can rely on the following:
Flight time depends from where do you start but here are some examples for some main cities:
- Dublin: 35 minutes;
- Paris: 25 minutes;
- Madrid: 1 hour 34 minutes;
- Amsterdam: 27 minutes;
- Bern: 56 minutes;
- Monaco: 1 hour 17 minutes;
- Rome: 1 hour 47 minutes;
- Valletta: 2 hours 36 minutes;
- Zagreb: 1 hour 40 minutes;
- Vienna: 1 hour 32 minutes;
- Prague: 1 hour 17 minutes;
- Berlin: 1 hour 10 minutes;
- Copenhagen: 1 hour 11 minutes;
- Oslo: 1 hour 26 minutes;
- Stockholm: 1 hour 47 minutes;
- Helsinki: 2 hours 16 minutes;
- Warsaw: 1 hour 48 minutes;
- Kiev: 2 hours 40 minutes;
- Bucharest: 2 hours 36 minutes;
- Skopje: 2 hours, 25 minutes;
- Athens: 2 hours 59 minutes;
- Ankara: 3 hours 32 minutes;
- Moscow: 3 hours 7 minutes;
Flight cost also varies from the start place (based on round trip, adult passenger, approximate cost):
- Dublin: €264;
- Paris: €275;
- Madrid: 232€
- Amsterdam: 127€
- Rome: 295€
- Zagreb: 330€
- Vienna: 170€
- Prague: 225€
- Berlin: 271€
- Copenhagen: 345€
- Oslo: 225€
- Stockholm: 310€
- Helsinki: 445€
- Warsaw: 245€
- Kiev: 320€
- Bucharest: 315€
- Skopje: 400€
- Athens: 310€
- Ankara: 360€
- Moscow: 380€
Now that we know approximate how much airplane will cost, we can move to the next things. First we will need to choose the hotel and by that we will have to choose how we will reach hotel from the airport.
One advice I can give you about choosing hotels is that try to pick one nearest to the places or events you wanna participate in. Now you may think like.. of course, I am not stupid and I don't need to hear advices like that, but you would be surprised how many people forget about facts like this. Therefore, I will continue to write "useless" things like that.
When it's about hotels, London can offer you wide range of good to the extraordinary places to stay which will satisfy all your needs. All depending and well sorted by the money you are willing to spend here are options:
- Budget hotels, 2-star;
- Mid-range hotels, 3-star;
- Luxury hotels, 4-star;
- Deluxe hotels, 5-star;
Prices can depend, but here are some averages so you know what to expect (per person):
- 100-180usd per night for mid-range hotels;
- 150-300usd per night for luxury hotels;
I strongly recommend getting so called Oyster card which will reduce transport cost by a lot! You can get one fast and easy and most stations across the London have at least one ticket machine where you can get your oyster card. Minimum deposit is ~7.45usd which is £5, and the biggest is up to £90.
So lets assume you have booked your hotel from your home, and arrived by plane at the airport. Now you have the option to call the cab (or "grab" the cab at the airport) or use other one of the transport services. Good idea would be to check if you can buy an oyster card at the airport right away.
For detailed description about London transport please visit our page where it's all well described.
And that's it!!! London can offer many events & places where you can have fun, learn the culture, do shopping, explore and many many more! There is something for everyone and by that being said let me provide you one short list which can serve you as some kind of planner:
- Experience the travel by well know modern city red bus;
- Travel by The tube;
- Use the services of Minicabs, Black-cabs, Ladycabs (if you're a female);
Dine in some of the best restaurants in the world, also go for the world-known english afternoon tea;
Cultural events:
Doesn't matter if you are cultural-depending person, or you just want to see few things, or maybe just visit the "thing" and go away because you find culture boring .. London definite has the "things" that will make you say wooow.
There are many cultural events like art, theatre, books & poetry, museums;
Kids events
Belief it or not, there are many museums which offer fun and interesting things to do for children! For example Bank of England museum where your kid can learn of valutes in a very fun way, another attraction is the largest warship on which kids can aboard! The Honiman museum offers many fun events for kids, for example aquarium, nature base with live animals and many more while the entrance is free!
Oh YES the nightlife.. choose between fantastic nightclubs, the atmosphere you will feel there will be of your lifetime! From the urban, classic, dark, hight-tech, and more, clubs can offer you anything your heart desires! All together with powerful sound systems and extraordinary light effects.
And for the end, if you wish some more information about anything related to the article, just leave a comment!
I would also appreciate your feedback!
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